PolyBond Flooring, INC


Founded: 1982

Owner: Paul R Johnson


Areas of expertise: Food & Beverage industry, manufacturing facilities, pharmaceutical, paper mills, textile, chemical, fire-stations, bathrooms, break-rooms, etc.

Here's How We Can Help!  Free Patch kit Sample!

Company Profile

Call us today for your flooring needs! 



Patch Kits are essential to your type of business.  Sudden issues arise and you need an area to be repaired on the go.  Here's how we can help.  Simply send us an email or give us a call to set up an appointment with one of our sales reps and we will deliver a FREE patch kit sample to the appointment.

 These kits work in hot/cold even wet environments, fills cracks/crevices/leg holes/dips/edges and more!  Simple to use, and sets up in MINUTES, traffic ready!  Our goal is to keep you pro-active on sanitary repairs and save you time and money with our quick-set Patch Kits and Floor Coating Installations.  Click the link below to get started!